Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry
- 155 million Americans play video games
- game-playing U.S. households have an average 2 gamers
- 4 out of 5 households own a device user to play video game s
- 51% of households own a dedicated game console
- Average gamer is 35 years old
- 26% under 18
- 30% aged 18-35
- 17% aged 36-49
- 27% aged 50+
- 56% male / 44% female
- Average gamer has been playing for 13 years
- Most frequent game purchasers average 37 years old
- 29% of the most frequent game players play ONLINE
- Gamers feel that computer and video games provide more value for their money
- 47% video games
- 28% DVDs
- 14% going to movies
- 12% music
- Game types most frequently played
- 31% social
- 30% action
- 30% puzzle
- Top Devices gamers use most frequently
- 62% PC
- 56% Dedicated Console
- 35% Smartphone
- 31% Wireless Device
- 21% Handheld
- Gamers Spend LESS time
- 39% watching TV
- 40% going to the movies
- 47% watching movies at home
- Gamers spend their time
- 6.5 hours per week playing with others online
- 5 hours per week playing with others in-person
- 56% of gamers play with others
- 54% feel video games help them connect with friends
- 45% feel video games help them spend time with family
Read the full article here: 2015 Sales, Demographic, and Usage Data from the Entertainment Software Association(ESA)