Kickstarter Success!
Kickstarter Campaign: Thursday, September 10.
We have 3 days left. Thanks to our pledges, we have reached our Kickstarter success goal of $20,000. There is still time to get your friends involved in this tactical starship defense game.
Not only are these funds going toward updating the quality of the project, the beta feedback is always valuable to make the best game possible. After 2 years of development, we find getting fresh eyes on the project and new perspectives make the game much more compelling to a wider range of people. Thanks again for all of the beta tester feedback and comments. We look forward to more feedback over the coming months!
Project Update:
We are on schedule to release this fall. Windows, Mac, and Linux versions will be available on Steam. In addition, we will be also offering Infinium Strike on Green Man Gaming.
We have started development on the iOS premium version, and other versions should be announced soon.
So, please go out and spread the word. Let's end with a surge of pledges!
Codex Team